About the Blog

This a Blog to share the experiences of my life and the lessons I learnt from it.

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10 Responses to About the Blog

  1. B Narasimhan says:

    Nicely narrated. Great stuff. You should do more such writings boss.

  2. Jyothi says:


    Wonderful blogs!!. Like you have said, regarding ego, I think you deserve to have one!!! the reason being as it is very well written and keeps the reader entertaining and captured. At the same time it makes the reader think the details that one misses to see in their own life and this world!..

    With Respects,


  3. Subharaman says:

    You are indeed a good writer and your memory and imagination is everlasting it appears. Your vivid imagnination about falling or is it ‘rising in love’ resembles the famous tamil actor Nagesh’s imagination of yester year’s tamil films.

    Anjaneyan, frankly the expectations from the girls in our community particularly is so high that many marriages end in disasters. Recently, I visited one of my relative whose son is a Chartered Accountant and got married to a North Indian Bramhin girl from UP. They fell in love while working for the same Bank. I was amazed to see the transformation of the girl in a completely different environment. The culture she brought with her and also the culture she acquired and adopted in the boy’s house made her a very likable and wonderful person and human being. I do not think girls from our own community would be so loving, caring and adjusting in nature. This girl has started speaking ‘household tamil’ fluently.

    Swami sukhabhodananda gives certain techeniques to ‘Drop Expectations’ to be a better individual. Watch him on Astha channel at 11.00 pm on Mon/Tue/Wed. It is better than watching tamil melodrama.

  4. A.V.S.Mani says:

    Dear Anjaneyan,

    Nice writing .I have been reading all your blogs.I still remember the school days when you were a voracious reader. Your language is simple and nice to read .Keep it up. I have now become a regular reader of your Blogs. Better late than never.



  5. subharaman says:

    I also like to hear him and since he is the product of Chinmaya Mission which is close to Powai where I have atteneded several programs of other swamijis like Tejomayanandaji, Ishwaranandaji [who taught us Bhagvat Gita], Bramhanandaji and others, I am used to the Gnyana marga. Frankly, everyone will have to find their own path in using their birth as human being particularly being an Hindu to attain the greatest possibility available to all human beings which is self realisation or realising God within ourselves and perhaps in many others. The paths could be different. Karma, Gnyana, Bhakti or yoga. All these paths are mentioned in Gita. I like Bhakti marga as the easiest path and in God himself has prescribed this path for all people in Kali yug which is the present yug. There is no alternative to Bhakti marg. Bhakti is from the heart centre which is the magnetic centre in the body. Wheras Gnyana is from the intellectual centre or logical centre which is virutually a mechanical centre of our personality. God can be seen only through the heart even for great gnayani or yogi. All great saints like kabir, surdas, tulsidas, gnayeshwar, tukaram, mirabai, and many great saints from the south advocated bhakti marg as the only way for common man. Otherwise, we will only run in circles getting nothing from our present life. This is my individual opinion. You may disagree with it.

  6. Sorry, but this page is really not very useful. I mean, aren’t most blogs about a person’s experiences and what they learn from those experiences?

    So… Who are you? Are you a man or a woman? What age? Where do you live? What’s your profession? That’s the sort of information that gives me a sense of where you’re coming from.

  7. M V HARIHARAN says:


  8. M V HARIHARAN says:

    dear anjeneyan,
    excellent comments on CBE. Hats off for the excellent and apt photographs as well.

  9. V. Raghuraman. says:

    Dear Ayyappan,
    Extremely enjoyable read. It evokes old memories of my visit several years back. Most important part of the narration is one’s feeling standing in front of the sanctum (Diety)and the elated feeling one gets, knowing what to pray or ask for from God!. I am sure all of would have experienced such a feeling. One thing: even if one does not ask for anything, the Almighty knows what we want and why we have there and would readily give the same as in Kuchela’s story.

  10. Sujatha Chitre says:

    RIP Sir.

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